Thursday, March 17, 2011

Smoking for health

Prepare yourself.  We are about to explore a dark, forbidden place.

There are many murky corners of the internet that the faint hearted should best avoid.  My own research has led me to places that have left an indelible impression upon my mind.  I hesitate to inform you that there are web pages devoted to certain explicit photographs of young ladies...smoking.

What kind of twisted mind would take pleasure from such moral corruption?  So ladies, to redress the balance, here are phtographs of gentlemen in similar degenerate poses....and gentlemen, you may suck the pipe, but whatever you do, don't light it!

This collage of patterns from the 30's/40's shows the variety and imagination employed by photographers.  Go on, click on it for a better view, you know you want to.   Incredible, men of our grand-parents generation were not afraid to get their pipes out in public and saw no shame in having themselves photographed indoors, or out, enjoying the full, rich flavour of an unlit pipe.  What's that? One of them has a cigarette...well, you know, some of these models.

There may have been good reason not to allow smoking in a photographer's studio, but outdoors?  This fellow needs to take extra precautions around potential fire hazards because he's made from plastic.

A bit of variety here.  Why is he fumbling in his pocket when he's on the phone?  He won't find a pen in there. Note how this creation is "reversible", just don't forget to turn it inside out when you want to smoke.

Things getting very racy now.  Here's a pattern featuring, not just smoking, but a large slavering beast.  And  a St Bernard.  How many buttons do you need on a cardigan?  One more!

Photographers were really starting to push the extremes of public taste, but nothing can excuse this...
...smoking a fag in a "health vest" knitted from dishcloths.  Bloody filth!

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